Sunday, April 08, 2007

Hazel, Rosie, Princess Mary...


blew into my world when I was seven.
I remember them still...

Home from school...early
(Hazel was coming, they said)
Daylight dark

I remember the wonder, the awe, the power
of Miss Hazel, outside...
and Daddy and Mommy and Evie, baby Pat, me
all safe inside...
and when the yellow sky came, and the eerie quiet,
Daddy sitting in the truck
in our front yard
listening to the radio...

Rosie was born that October day
--before or after Mommy fed Pat
by the light of my First Communion candle?-
I don't remember--
but I remember that Rosie
(Mommy made her for me)
was beautiful
and I loved her...

Showed Rosie off to my best friend...
Embarrassed Mommy (all these years, I never knew)...
Mary came into my world that Christmas,
Ideal's princess,
and I loved her too!

Sad, sad Rosie,
discarded childhood treasure
(cleaning up the past, moving on, they said...)
and Hazel's memory
by the Donnas and Hugos of my life...

But Mary, my princess,
smiles down at me from her basket throne...
and I love her still...

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