Friday, December 24, 2010

Flat Kira checks out Tiffany's

Dear Kira Rose,

Sorry I missed writing to you yesterday.  Grandmommy and I have been working hard getting her house ready for your visit.

Yesterday, after shopping again--this time at a real mall--we wrapped even more presents (Kelsey's going to love the one that showed up in the mailbox yesterday!) and then reorganized the closet where all the giftwrap goes.  With all the presents coming in, we had a bunch of big boxes to take apart too.  Grandmommy says we'll be going to the dump before you get here so you won't think her back porch is a dump!

We've vacuumed the downstairs twice today: this morning to get rid of the gift-wrapping leftovers and this afternoon to
 get rid of the styrofoam bits from yet more boxes that we opened!  Aunt Michelle and Uncle Rick stopped by to install some new ceiling lights for Grandmommy.  She says they are Tiffany (-style) lights.  I thought Tiffany's was just the name of a fancy store but I guess not!  Anyway, Grandmommy says she loves her new lights so much that she may never, ever turn them off!

After church tomorrow, we're going to Uncle Jamie's for Christmas breakfast (he's invited everyone in your South Carolina family, but Mason and Campbell are at their dad's until dinnertime so they can't come).  I heard him say something about pancakes and bacon and grits (what's grits???) . . .  Tomorrow afternoon we're going to Aunt Michelle's for Christmas dinner.  Mason and Campbell
picked out the menu: barbecued chicken and mashed potatoes and corn.  Yummy!!!!!!

The yards and driveway are still drifted with leaves (Grandmommy says that I'm learning to be a writer!!!) but we don't care.  It"s Christmas Eve and all is well with the world!

Can't wait to see you guys!!!!

Love you bunches!

Flat Kira

P. S.  Be sure to tell Grandma that those pears she sent us are heavenly!!!!!!  Aunt Michelle took four of them home with her this afternoon for her family :-)

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