Monday, April 13, 2009

younger sister stories . . . on the occasion of big sister's 40th birthday

Kimberly....I can barely remember our childhood. Mainly I remember always being jealous of Kimberly. Hating her birthday came before mine...things like that. One or two things stand out about Kimberly. She'll hate me for this but, oh well. That's what little sisters are for!

When we were real little...I was younger than 6, so she would have been 8 or younger at the time. Apparently she had a penchant for butter. They didn't have tubs of butter back then, just the sticks. I guess Kimberly got extra hungry one night and decided to snag a stick of butter to munch on in our bedroom upstairs.Next thing we know, there is butter dripping through the floor down into the living room where our parents were watching TV! BUSTED!!!! Lesson learned, do NOT place butter sticks on the heater vent in your room!! Hee hee!

One other fine event: one afternoon Kimberly and I were playing around in my room. We were actually getting along for a change! We started thinking that tumbling on my bed was a brilliant idea. As in somersaults on the bed. Kimberly tumbled a little too far, and ended up putting her FOOT through the wall! Now this would have been bad enough, yet we decided to LIE about what we were doing to try to get out of trouble. I forget what we said, but Daddy did NOT fall for it. I guess because the hole in the wall was suspiciously shaped like a FOOT!!! We were almost banned from going to the fair that afternoon because of our lie. I'm pretty sure we ended up going.

Like I said, my memory is sketchy.

I am getting old, too, you know.

Not as old as Kimberly, though! :)

Love, Michelle

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