Saturday, December 18, 2010

Flat Kira"s "lost" day

I was all set to introduce Flat Kira to her "round" cousins, Michael and Cassie, last night when I discovered, to my dismay that she was not safely tucked away in her envelope in the comfort of her handmade Christmas card and directions for handling . . .

Where could she be????

Horror of horrors!  Had I left her at SCHOOL where she would shiver in the dark and silence and winter's chill until January 3????

Kira Rose would never forgive me!!!!!

I did the next best thing . . . logged onto my Simple Pleasures blog and read all the letters and stories about Flat Kira to Michael and Cassie.  They decided that she must be a little bit like Jack, their Christmas elf, and wanted to know more about how she got to my house and especially how she moved around now that she was here.  I told them they'd have to ask Kira Rose when she came to visit after Christmas.  Unlike Jack (and Pixie and Ryder, the elves at Kira Rose's house), I suspect Flat Kira will not disappear when Santa arrives . . . unless I lose her again.
I still don't know the whole story but she was napping with the dolls on the loveseat in the study again when I got home late last night.  I'm really going to have to keep a closer eye on that young lady!!!!

Flat Kira will  be meeting Michael and Cassie soon--on Christmas morning, if not before.  Hope she doesn't climb to the top of their tree!!!!

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